《一吻定江山》 Never been Kissed在《一吻定江山》Never been Kissed 中,身為記者的茱兒芭莉摩系統傢俱為了製作一個校園專題,特地掩飾年齡混入高中校園,在高中時期曾是醜小鴨的茱兒,在重溫校園生活系統家具的同時,卻和大衛艾奎特飾演的老師相戀,愛情跟事業開始糾纏在一起.....我很喜歡片尾茱兒芭莉摩在景觀設計棒球場上的愛情宣言,原文試譯如下:此時此刻,當你吻了某個人,頓時天旋地轉,你只能全新全意地建築設計把心思放在對方身上,你也會了解你所親吻的她(他)將與你攜手共度人生,當下你意識到這是個再驚借貸奇不過的禮物。無論是哭或笑,都是因為你覺得幸運之神降臨,你順勢找到了它,當然你也會害怕這幸票貼運稍縱即逝......That thing, that moment, when you kiss someone and everything around 宿霧becomes hazy and the only thing in focus is you and this person and you realize that that 巴里島person is the only person that you're supposed to kiss for the rest of your life,and 馬爾地夫for one moment you get this amazing gift and you want to laugh and you want to cry because 禮服you feel so lucky

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